Like many others, today I’m in bed with the electric blanket on, and contemplating revisions I need to do. But as I have said before because of the blessing that is technology (most of the time), I can get something done. Though pain does tend to make my writing even darker, I scare even ,yield and that’s no easy feat! 

I’ve decided that once a month I’m going to do a video blog. I’m going to also upload them to YouTube and see what comes from it.  Every so often I’ll get someone I know to pretend to be a character in one of my stories and I will ‘interview’ them. It will be humorous of course, so keep your eye out for them. 

Plus of course I’m still working on my first book:- A Lunatics Guide to Interplanetary relationships. I’m I between revising and editing but it’s coming along well.  It’s still a few months away, I have no intention of rushing it just to get it out. 

I’ll keep you all updated so keep your eye out and for my promoting of fellow authors and people that have helped me immensely, it could be you!